Friday, 27 June 2014

Who put Jesus on the cross?

    I read a fantastic sermon by A.W. Tozer. Its title was, "Who put Jesus on the Cross?" It went on to say that I should not blame the Jews, Pilate and the Romans for this crime. Yes, they were guilty, but they were my "accomplices in crime." It was my sins that held Him on that tree. It was for the sake of my peace with God that he was punished.
    I was also talking to a dear friend of mine. He was saying he had heard that some people were tired of the cross and wanted to move on. I think I move on most when I come back to the cross. The cross is the whole basis to my faith! It is impossible to follow God because His standards are too high. If I "move on" from the cross, I will not be able to follow God for very long. It is the very fact that Jesus died on that cross that I can follow after God. And the more I remember the great love of Jesus, the harder I can follow after God.
    If I were to make it part of my daily routine to remember Him and what He has done and genuinely thank Him for it; I reckon my relationship with God would get so much deeper.

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