I remember my dad going through the entire house and burning or throwing out any thing that was not pleasing to God. He burnt up books, ripped up DVDs, threw out tapes and such like. That is called sincerity. No one can pick and choose what you decide to dump of your own things. That is between you and God. Some may go as far as David Brainerd, others maybe not so. But the point is to gather up all of your possessions and go through them on your knees before God. One who does that is truly sincere about serving His God. One who does that makes God his God.
Monday, 25 August 2014
My desire
I have a strong desire. I long to see it fulfilled in myself and in every Christian I meet. I long for a sincere heart that would give up everything and every ambition for Him. A heart that would gladly lose everything just to have fellowship with Him. A heart that is constantly praying earnestly to the Father. A heart that devotes its self to God. I know I fail many times a day, and I mean that, but at least (and I do not intent to esteem myself better than any other person by saying this) I do have a heart that longs to be totally, sincerely true and pure. I want to see that heart in every person. I do see in many a heart that is wishy washy. A body that goes to church on a Sunday but does not change. As for me, I yearn to be a living and growing Christian. I yearn to hate darkness and love light. I don't want to be a lazy, unhealthy, uncaring Christian. I want to be like Jesus.
Tell me the story often!
If you were to look at the former posts, you will get the idea I am trying to draw the reader back to the amazing love of Jesus as he took my place on that cross. I just want to say it again. He died for me, of all people, me. I wish I could express myself properly. But I am glad I can't, because if I were able to fully comprehend and describe His love than it would not be infinite.
Jesus loves me. Jesus loves you. He did it all. Repeat! Emphasis! Stand up on your chair if you have to just to emphasize this incredible wow!